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Portrait Project

Artist's Statement

     I went into this project in which I took portraits of my dear friend Sophia Wilken, with a lot of ideas. The only one that really stuck, though, was shooting her in her "natural habitat". After our interview, I decided I wanted to take my images somewhere where she felt comfortable and confident. All of the above images are shot by Willamette river, where she rows almost daily. 

     What these images seek to capture are that confidence and comfort: whether it's shy, striking, distant, or playful. 

One word Scavenger Hunt

Artist's Statement

     The "unexpected" photo is quite literal. Its a photo of a small statue I encountered on a walk and was captivated by. Again, my "light & shadow" image is also a literal interpretation, there's lots of contrast between bright spots in the image and the darker trees. "Unclear" is also literal. The person in the image (Mads) is completely out of focus, but still noticeable. The "angles" image references the angles made by the staircase rather than camera angles. My only symbolic image is found in "joy" and represents my love and the joy I take in finding and photographing beautiful flowers. 

Basic Shooting Assignment

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